Weekly AstroNews- “Feel your words”

Posted on June 27, 2011


Yeppers Thats good ole Gemini (communicate) in Venus(love) and Mars(action) in bed  with Mercury(thoughts) in Cancer(feelings). Put it all together and you have a hot soup of “We have to talk about my feelings” with a side dish of “are you listening?” And the dessert is. “Feel my Words!” SO will you sign up for a second dish, oh I mean date LOL. You water signs(Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces) are easily sharing your feelings, but many may no have the patience to listen to the entire storey so it is wise to make it-POINT FORM! Say it straight, a readers digest version. To the point! Summarize if you want to be received well. Air signs (Gemini/Libra/Aqurarius). -read between the lines when a loved one speaks to you. Do not pay attention to the words; listen to the feelings behind each word. And if your ready to change the subject cause your well…. mmm .. BORED! Then ask your loved one to please share their feelings. And skip the prologue. Earth Signs, your just not in th emood for the facts, but you are a great mediator and you easily understand the feelings of others, they just may not like your advice. Fire signs(Aries/Leo/Sag) , lets say you should keep out of the line of fire, sit back and enjoy the drama LOL

Posted in: AsrroMag, Hollyscopes